i dun like tO fOrce ppl tO do things cos i know the outcOme will never be happy at all...
*tEars haVe been flOwing dOwn frOm mOrning sch tlmE tIll late nOw*

jUst likE last year...
and its happEned the same thls year again...
is there a sOup where someone can forget about everything...
including ur bday what's more its a 21st bday...

friends arOund me are feeling all sO excited for me except mysElf...
being having pressurise by ppl asklng me how i am i gOing to celebrate my 21st...

and nOw u tEll "i thOugh u keEp quiet never ask sO dun neEd celebrate lor"
what's this answer *f*...
if i've nv ask tOday,sO its gOing to bE all the way quiet till thEn...
i've already ask U about it,its U whO keep quiet abOut it...
i didn't & i've beEn making plans since dUnO whEn...

attEnding my friend's bday...
makE me feEl sO happy for thEm...
excEpt mine...

ya,since u say dUn need celebrate what fOr get me a 21st pendant...
what fOr say it serve as a memOry...
i want a happy celebration memOry nOt a present memOry...

since u tHough being 21 years oLd is just another year older...
thEn its allright...
dun celebrate liao,everyone plz forget about my bday date...
even if there's celebration,i dOubt i'll bE happy...

and i gUess from then onwards,i'll NEVER gOtten celebrate my bday anymore!!!


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