my thEory test has endEd...
my 1st ICA prOject has EndEd...
my pratical skill test has EndEd toO & thankz gOd i've passEd...

watched Charlie & thE chOcolatE factOry...
a nice,fUnny shOw...Willy WonkEr cUte wahaa~~

what's nExt???

my dReam is 1/2 Way there...
i'm still hOlding it tlgHt...

i'vE a lOt of thlngs in mY mind nOw...
i fEel likE lettlng lt oUt...
spittlng lt oUt everything tO him tO let hlm know hOw i feel!!!
bUt i scarEd tat'll endEd oUr frlEndshlP as wEll...

*in a cOnfUsed statE*


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