read hUl's blog & decided to do this since sEc havE nOt beEn dOlng thiS,bRing bAck the paSt and prob summarised wad i've been thinkin, doin ... and all about me! arhh. juicy lil bits eh? =P

1.Name(gender): pEili (F)
2.Date of birth: 4th Sep *muST Note dOwn lEh*
4.Blood type: O+
5.Height/Weight: tall/fat

6.Fave food: i eaT nOodle grOw uP lEhz
7.Hated food: garlic,oniOns ...
8.Fave artists: fOrever will bE Daniel Chan,JJ,Elva HsiaO,Cheer...
9.Fave genre:bOsanOva, pOp, r&b, sentlmEntal, jaZz *and the lIst gOes oN*
10.Hated artists: *eh cant think of it nOw leh*

11.Fave Karaoke song: Mei Li bEn nU rEn,bEl al dE nU rEn,KaO shU wO,dUl dE rEn *and the list gOes on fOrever wahaa*
12.First Love:16
13.First Kiss: whEn i was jUst bOrn wahaa~
14.Fave TV-show: eh nth i Watch what is nlcE
15.Fave flower : tulip / sUnflOwer / LavendEr / blUe rOse

16.First places I look for a person of another gender: tanned skin / nice halr / attltUde / nEatnEss
17.Fave hairstyle for a person of another gender: mUst see thEn know mah!!!
18.Eyesight: mine ar....alyO scary man,i wear glasses since prl sch lol~
19.Age i wanna get married at: eh nOt sO fast...
20.Fave scent: dEpend but now i liKE DKNY Green Apple!

21.fave fruit: watErmElone ba
22.Fave colors: white,black,blue,pUrple,grEen
23.Fave clothes: anything comfortable hurhUr!
24.Precious belongings: erm a lOt lEh!
25.most memorable movie: CharliE & the chOcolatE factOry,Willy Wonker!!! thing about me: hmmm....obsErvanCe HAA!
27.worst thing about me: laZy sometimes haa! attractive point: hUrhUr~i likE my eYes bUt nOt my paNda eyes~
29.complex : PA accounts~i can nv ever dReam of bEing an accountance hoRhOr
30.past time: talk,slp,eat,SING!!!

31.habit: BAD oR GoOD HABITS -__-''
32.things i wanna do to my loved one: make him stay by my side forever,wakaa~
33.things i wanna do with my loved one: haa~obviously romantic times by the beaCh listEning tO the waVes sOund hee!
34.have i confessed first?: cOnfessed what >.<
35.fave animals: CHAMELON wakaka~~~

36.hated animals: crOcodilEs,chlcKen erK >>>
37.things i'm wearing right now: nyp shirt + SurferParadise shOrts!
38.fave foreign actors/actresses: JACKIE CHAN *cOunted mah*,Sandra Bullock & of cos how can i miss oUt JOHNNY DEPP!!!
39.shampoo i'm currently using: eh always changed leh~
40.when did i feel worst: qUarrEll with friends i really carED fOr!!!

41.impressions after looking at myself in the mirror: F.A.T / U.G.L.Y yUks~
42.what i feel about how i look: i feEl W.O.R.S.T. did i get to know my best friend: same class in sEc sch lol!
44.things i always carry with me: HP,$$,COMB,MIRRIOR hee~
45.phonebill last month?: haa~leSs than $50 *grinz* maximum alcohol allowance: dePend what i drInk and of cOs till i drOp dEad thEn u'll knOw haha > > >
47.things i'm bound to do when i'm drunk: haa~i'm prO cOs havEn gOt drUnk bEfore & i cant imaglnE what will i dO when i'm really drUnk *wanan tRy* haa~
48.have i left home without permission?: haa~of cOs!
49.what do i wanna say to my parents?: I LOVE THEM & of cOs faster makE enoUght $ and live outsldE alOne >.<"
50.dream of conception: my drEams,travElling rOund thE wOrld! personality: u can hatE me,u can lOve mE.i dUn care!!!
52.longest time i've waited for an appointment: fOrget liao lEh! you keep promises well?: hOpefUlly yesh *cOs i dun like tO make empty promlse & i dUn make prOmise easily* damN hate ppl whO dun keEp thElr prOmise sO make any prOmise tO me whEn u cant keEp DAMN ASS!!!
54.usual rendez-vous place with closest friend: HAA~depend which friends i'm with cOs all deifferent lOcation leh hee mOstly is tOwn!!!
55.time to bed: if next day gOt something oN,then i'll bE gUai and slp early the night b4!

56.when do i hate my parents the most?: QuarrEll do i express happiness? haa~ "Sa siao" grinz happily walalala > > > many times have you received flowers from a girl/boy?: hm~want mE tO list oUt nO worrles lEss than 10 fingers >>>sEng>gaRy>hOngda>ElizabEth>ryan *a fake flower bUt the thOughs cOunt*>wElyan>yOng>kaijing = 8 times sO fEw hOr!!! many boy/girl friends have you had?: 3bf and a dOzen gf espEcially KJ whO is my fav almOng all *ops*
60.where do i go first when meeting a boy/girl?: erhm,tOilet

61.fave character: WINNIE THE POOH
62. family relationship : EXCELLENT
63. when your loved one is angry: eh dEpend on suitation mah
64.what if your loved one breaks up with you: talk > rEasOn > accePt
65.what if your loved one asks for a kiss: play hard to get!!!

66.what if your loved one has left....: left sg? persuade if he suddenly leave this world, i'll prob cry myself to death. *sighs*
67.things to do after this: S-T-U-D-Y,last papEr cOmlng uP!!!
68.things near me: hp and pC mOnitor rIght infront of mE lol
69.things on my bed: pillow / bolstr / blAnker / winnie the pOoh
70.memorable CF: wads a CF? cardiac failure ar wahaa~*nUrsing tErm*

71.memorable soapies: huh first impression by other people: blAck facE / arrogaNt / haRD tO please
73.people say i look like this celebrity: sO sad my pOly friends say my smilE lOoks likE erhm EsOn Chen >..<
74.fave sport: badmintOn ba~
75.current hairstyle: nOt shOrt nOt lOng,its call mEssy

76.fave season: spring or autumn. havent got the chance to experience other seasons leh.
77.things in my bag: wallet,hp,fountation,camEra etc etc etc my bank account: $0.0079.when do i think i'm stingy: hm....
80. hated fren: oh yEsh sOmeone in pOly~a pIg man!!!

81.things i worry about these days: my exam resUlt
82.common dreams these days:drEams~agresslOn,bUrns,schnizoprenia,fractUre,
dementia,TNPR,Milieu therapy,vendilation,shOck,pOsion,cardIac arrest,cancer,chemo therapy etc etc all my dreams these few days are all thise tOpcls arGgggggg *signz*

83.things i wanna get: CLOTHES ~ SHOES ~ MONEY ~ or BF oso can...
85.ideal guy: can i have both dream boy and soul mate?

86.example of my ideal guy/girl: Lousi kOo or dUncan alsO can haa~i'm drEamlng!
87.cute or stuck-up guy?: cute
88.tough or cute guy?: CuTE
89.celebrity i wanna look like: HM~elva or pEnny alsO can!!! do u get close to your loved one?: -_-'' do u tell your loved one how you feel?: talk lor. open heart n pour everythg OUT! everythg!!! but will end up fighting. and quarelling. so dun try too often.
92.thin, slim girl or a chubby girl?: SLIM
93.thin, feeble-looking guy or chubby guy?: erh~feeble-loOkinghaa~
94.initials of the person you love: arh~nO idea leh
95.what do i usually eat outside?: anything buT not fast-fOod! flavour in Baskin Robbins: mint,peppermint blog
98.what do u think of the person you got this from??: haaa~xlaOhui
99.things u wanna say to that person?: haa~i LOVE uUUU HAA~
100.after 100q's&100a's: sO tired man!!!


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