Part 6 - Ways tO bE Happy

91) If you are going in one direction and it isn…t working, make a turn. Keep turning till you find the right path for you.

92) Start the healing process from right where you are now.

93) Spread all the good news that you can.

94) Never turn back when times get hard.

95) Face your fear, and then they will disappear.

96) Know that happiness is just around the corner.

97) Life is hard by the yard; but by the inch, life…s a cinch.

98) Don…t take the simple things in life for granted.

99) Buy a box of sixty-four crayola crayons and a new coloring book. and pretend to be a six-year old.

100) Love everybody!

101) Sit on a porch swing chatting with loved ones.

102) One must be fond of people and trust them if one is not to make a mess of life.

103) Make a wish list.

104) Be childlike and take a trip to Disneyland or Disney world.

105) Make a wish when you see a new moon.

106) Take up photography, and take pictures of all your blessings.

107) Listen to a sad song and cry to release your emotions.

108) Become the spark in your lover…s fire.

109) Learn to say no to unreasonable requests for your time.

110) Visit your loved ones… graves.


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