last 2nd day of NY 2006...

u might thOugh i'm here tO blog on my past 2005 & my NY resolutions...
tat i shall leave it out in few days time 1st...

my main prioity now is...
i wiSh tO appeal anyone or my friends oUt there tO help pRay & fOld paper crAnes!!!
i've a friend whO has only 2 more mths left bEcos of cAncer!

i and a friend jUst wantEd tO help make ard 1000 paper cranEs...
tO wISh fOr a miracles fOr him!
i know this's impossible bUt i cant jUst sit there dO nothing!!!
a little milEs gOes a long way!!!

if u wanNa jOin mE & my friends,u can foLd sOme anD msg mE if u wanna pasS it tO me!
*jUst naormal small size paper will dO*
in advancE thankz a lot!!!


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