PRCP attachment timetablE is oUt~
bUt another bad news camE~

my attachment haS tO be pOstpOne~
i cant gO on attachment date same as my friends~
jUst becOs of my fail modules in ses 1~

i cant finish everything by may~
i'm not even sUre i can gradute smoothly in jUne a not~

its the last weEk for everyOne~
fOr everyoNe bUt nOt mE~
i still havE tO go back sch even dUring stUdy weEk for my repeat modUle lec~

nO more goOd friends arOund mE~
i'm sUrround with all thoSe other grPs strangers~
all nOt known tO me at all~
thEy have their friends,whO cares abOut U!

i'vE tO learn bEing independent again~
liKE i'm back tO yr 1!
dUn even knOw i'm dOing with whO~

i'm back tO this lOnely path again~
sO f*** uP!!!

wEnt kbOx tO sing my heart oUt~
nO sld bE lUff my heart oUt~
nOt thinking abOut anything~
bUt times gOlng back hOme~
rEminds mE again~

i'm always wOrking haRd than others bUt no effOrt is paid off!!!
i'm brEathing haRd nOw~
i'm trying haRd tO stay as pEr normal nOw~
ya and i fEel likE killing mysElf once mOre nOw!!!


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